This invention provides composite materials that combine the material
properties of hydrophobic polymers with internal structure and order
provided by polymerization of lyotropic liquid crystals (LLCs).
Composites, particularly nanocomposites, are made by forming a LLC
assembly that has hydrophobic regions and hydrophilic regions, combining
hydrophobic polymer in the assembly and polymerizing the polymerizable
LLC monomers in the assembly. The hydrophobic polymer, polymerized LLC
assembly or both can be crosslinked in the composite. Nanoporous
composites, particularly those with uniform-sized pores and/or with
uniform pores distribution can be prepared in this way. In addition,
complex polymers in which a second polymeric material, which may be
organic or inorganic, can be introduced into the pores or other
structural features of the composite can be prepared. Adding flexible
hydrophobic polymers to the LLC assembly increases the flexibility and
toughness of the resultant polymerized composite material to provide
improved composite materials for use as membranes and in other
applications. Hydrophobic polymer addition can also increase the
diffusion resistance in the organic phase of the composite. Of particular
interest are composites in which the hydrophobic polymer is butyl rubber
or related synthetic rubber.