A method is described for producing extruded French Fries-Style products
from dough containing between 45% to 50% moisture, from 4% to 8% protein,
and from 0.25% to 0.5% fibers. Said dough is composed of steam-peeled
potatoes soaked beans, desired spices, flavors, colors, and fortified
with vitamins and minerals.The dough is pumped under vacuum to specific
forming heads containing openings of desired shapes and dimensions. The
continuous extrudate coming from said forming heads is received over a
solid conveying belt traveling inside a steam-heated path at an adjusted
speed to expose the extrudate to steam for a certain length of time to
bring the temperature of the center of the extrudate from 140 to 190
degrees Fahrenheit. The extrudate is then received over a belt-conveyer
traveling inside a freezing-tunnel where it is exposed to blasts of
cooled air for a period of time to lower the temperature of the extrudate
to 45 and degrees Fahrenheit or lower.The extrudate is cut to desired
length, then packaged and stored under blast freezing conditions.