During normal operation of a truck engine (12), a catalytic partial
oxidizer (30) provides syngas (hydrogen and carbon monoxide) to
regenerate NOx traps (35), for brief periods of time, or diverted (33) to
the inlet (13) of an engine (12) via the EGR system (43 46). Some
hydrogen is extracted from syngas by a palladium membrane separator (63)
and passed to the fuel inlet (52) of a fuel cell stack (51). The stack
(51) provides auxiliary electric power to the truck. Humid air from the
air outlet (55) of the stack is provided to a fuel/exhaust/air static
mixer (25). A methanator (66) may convert CO, leaked through the
palladium membranes, into CH.sub.4. Water/gas shift or steam reformer
catalyst (76) at the inlet to or inside of the palladium membranes
separator may provide some additional H.sub.2.