This patent application describes equipment used to play a contact or
semi-contact game that is played on a field. The object of the game's for
athletics to battle against one another to gain access into the equipment
that is a mound and the device atop the mound called a horizontal, in
order to follow expressed language of the horizontal that will allow a
runner to quickly lift and flick a bar with their wrist, allowing an
opportunity to score or to complete an after point scoring attempt. Taken
together the actions precipitate the translocation of a ball that's
necessary for scoring in other contact and semi-contact sports.This
patent application further discloses methods of playing a game two to
five teams play on lined rectangular surfaces with side and end
boundaries in or outdoors which expressed language printed below the
horizontal or rotatable that's mounted atop the mound which mound is
anchored at the center of the inside circle, surrounded by an outer
circle, found to the middle of the rectangle if indoors and found towards
the end of rectangle if outdoors players vie to spin. Each spin is for a
score or a chance to complete a score through the use of a Bar that is
specifically made for lifting various weight, through a quick snapping
motion by a player, with their wrist. This game is further characterized
by blocks, tossing maneuvers of other players, bumping, holding,
jettisoning, (tackling and running maneuvers if outside) by the players,
to get their team in a position to make either the horizontal rotate or
make a run up field into the safe zone.