Automatically classifying product description information includes
selecting a first word from the information and determining whether the
word is defined as a prefix within one or more keywords, each keyword
being associated with one of a plurality of classes, each class being
associated with one or more keywords. If the word is defined as a prefix,
then for each keyword for which the word is defined as a prefix,
determine whether all suffixes of the prefix within the keyword are found
among all remaining words in the information in sequence. For each
keyword for which this is true, generate a new result for each class
associated with the keyword. Then select a first new result; compare the
new result with one or more previous results each corresponding to a
class; if a suffix count for the new result is greater than a suffix
count for a previous result, mark the new result as unambiguous, the new
result being thereafter considered a previous result; and if one or more
new results generated for the first word remain unselected, select a next
new result and repeat until no new results remain unselected. If one or
more words in the information remain unselected after processing the
first word, select a next word and repeat until no words remain
unselected. If a single previous result is marked as unambiguous after
all words in the information have been selected and processed, then
classify the information in the class corresponding to the previous
result marked as unambiguous.