A computerized computer program in an Internet Web site with input and
output capabilities for the sale, issue and dispensing of debit cards
that includes automated teller machine as dispensers for debit cards that
include each one a unique identification number on a storage member
thereon. A purchaser clicks the Web site address through his or her
personal computer, then, following the program steps, enters his/her
particulars and those of the transaction which are merged with one of the
unique identification numbers and transmitted to a remote computer
facility that acts as clearing house for the users' transactions. The
remote facility includes input and output means to communicate with the
debit card issuer(s), the dispensers and the associated circuitry to
obtain the identification numbers of the debit cards being issued and
dispensed and the particulars of the holders and the transactions.
Adequate software is provided in the remote facility to permit holders to
access the same line of credit opened for one or more debit cards so that
different users can remotely access and affect one or more lines of