A superconductor on-chip microstrip line (2, 4) to off-chip microstrip line
(7) transition of low characteristic impedance (15, 20, 22) is realized
that obtains a bandwidth of 200 GHz for MCM application while employing
solder bump (15, 17) technology to connect the chips (3, 5) to the
off-chip microstrip and substrate (6). Circular openings (20, 22) through
the respective ground plane layers (10 & 16) of the off-chip and on-chip
microstrips are provided in positions respectively underlying and
overlying the solder bump (15) for the signal. The openings may be sized
to provide a desired ratio of inductance to capacitance, the larger the
size, the greater the ratio value. This technique may be used to match
characteristic impedance to give broad bandwidth low impedance
interconnections needed for direct SFQ chip-to-chip communication on a
passive MCM.