A process for manufacturing a fast infusing black leaf tea. The process
involves (a) withering tea leaves to a moisture content between 64 and
70%, (b) macerating the withered leaves tea leaves by the controlled
application of both shear and compression forces sufficient to disrupt
the majority of cells within the tea leaf, to introduce morphological
changes in the tissue and to redistribute the cell contents, (c)
fermentating the resulting dhool, (d) firing the leaves to arrest the
fermentation and (e) drying and sorting the fired leaves to give black
leaf tea. The black leaf tea shows a rate and degree of infusion typical
of CTC teas, while maintaining the appearance of orthodox tea. The black
leaf tea is preferably of Broken Orange Pekoe grade or larger if the
black leaf tea is intended for direct infusion and of Broken Orange Pekoe
and/or Broken orange Pekoe Fannings if the black tea is intended for use
in tea bags