To provide a transmission apparatus and a communication system that
transmit a plurality of transmission signals riding on different
interfering transmission beams, separate and receive the transmission
signal at the receiving side, and estimate the original transmission
signal by maximum likelihood estimation based on the correlation among
the received signals. A transmission apparatus which encodes the
transmission signal by an encoding means to generate at least two
transmission signals S1 and S2, modulates the signals to the carrier
frequencies, weights them and supplies them to the antenna elements, and
controls the weights to transmit the modulated output signals by beams
partially overlapping each other in space. A reception apparatus which
separates and receives the transmission signals by a channel adaptive
antenna to receive at least two received signals RS1 and RS2 and
estimates the original transmission signal using maximum likelihood
estimation, for example, a Viterbi decoding algorithm, based on the
correlation between the received signals so as to reduce the error rate
of the received signal and realize an improvement of the quality of