Oligonucleotide tagged nucleoside triphosphates, OTNTPs, which are
substrates for polymerases and or terminal nucleotidyl transferases are
provided as well as methods of making these OTNTPs. Further provided are
OTNTPs with fluorescent dyes including energy transfer dyes, attached to
the oligonucleotide chain, OTNTPs with unnatural bases incorporated in
the oligonucleotide sequence and methods for incorporating these OTNTPs
in DNA or RNA. Also provided are methods for using the oligonucleotides
on OTNTPs for amplifying the oligo sequence on the OTNTP using an
amplification method described above. Further provided are reactive
bifunctional amidites, methods of making these compounds and methods for
detecting single nucleotide polymorphisms using the above OTNTPs. Methods
for detecting differential gene expression using the OTNTPs and methods
of separating specifically modified DNA or RNA using the OTNTPs are also