The system assesses problem behaviors and identifies those behaviors to be
targeted through the use of an interview process that generates a
behavior rating report. Through a parenting style interview, the system
provides parents with issues that may influence their parenting skills,
and helps the parents discover the strengths and weaknesses of their
particular parenting style. A unique plan for each child is then
developed to minimize problem behavior by changing the parents' response
to the behaviors. This teaches the child that good decisions lead to
positive consequences and higher self-esteem. A behavior chart is created
and used to track the child's problem behavior. After a period of time,
one week, the parent returns to develop a consequence system to improve
behavior of the child. The child's baseline behavior is calculated, which
will be used to measure progress. Specific consequences are determined
that will be used to motivate the child to change his or her behavior.
The child's baseline behavior can then be recalculated.