The invention relates to an upholstered element (1) for a lower seat part
(2) and/or a backrest (4) of an air-conditioned motor-vehicle seat (6),
comprising an elastic upholstered air-permeable base part (8) and an
air-permeable air-conditioning layer (10) which is disposed on the
surface of the base part (8). The air-conditioning layer (10) consists of
at least two partial layers (14, 16), i.e. a lower layer (14) which is
oriented towards the base part (8) and an upper layer (16) which is
disposed on top of the lower layer (14). The upper layer (16) is made of
a material which absorbs moisture. Preferably, an intermediate layer (22)
made of an air-permeable material is disposed between the base part (8)
and the lower layer (14). The lower layer (14) is relatively softer and
the intermediate layer (22, 22a) is relatively harder, whereby the lower
layer (14) and intermediate layer (22) are prevented from being pressed
into holes (18) in the base part (8) when the seat is occupied.