The invention relates to a combined AC-DC to DC converter. The converter
provides the option of coupling to an AC supply source with at least one
phase and the further option of coupling to at least one DC supply
source. The converter obtains supply from at least one supply source at a
time; and the converter contains controllable contact means that are,
upon switching between supply sources, capable of connecting and
disconnecting the individual supply sources to/from the converter,
whereby a pulse signal is generated. The converter contains at least one
coil that is in connection with at least one DC output. The proposed
converter distinguishes itself over the prior art in that switching
between supply sources is accomplished by means of the contact means over
a period of time, where the pulse signal is divided into periods; and
wherein the periods alternatingly originate from at least one first
supply source and at least one second supply source; and wherein the
current pulses from the first supply source is regulated in dependence on
the current pulses from the second supply source; and wherein the
converter contains means for voltage regulating at least one DC output.
Hereby a flexible converter is obtained that can obtain supply from an AC
supply source and one or more DC supply sources; and wherein switching
between a first supply source and a second supply source can be
accomplished without supply failures; and wherein, in overload
situations, it is possible to draw on two or more supply sources.