A method and system for ordering, loading, and using admission tickets for
access to access-controlled service devices, in which admission tickets
are ordered from a reservation center through transmission of order data
by an order channel. The order data includes the call number of a mobile
communications terminal to which the ordered admission tickets are
transmitted by a mobile network and are stored there in a memory module.
The data exchange between this memory module and a reading device of the
service device takes place over a contactless interface. Decisions about
the access authorization of the user of the communications terminal are
made, for example, in the reading device or in the communications
terminal, taking into account the ticket information contained in the
admission ticket, for example, limited to a digitally signed ticket
number or with indications about the respective service device. And, in
accordance with the decision, access to the service device is given or
denied to the user through an access device connected to the reading