A rapid thermal processing (RTP) system including a transmission pyrometer
monitoring the temperature dependent absorption of the silicon wafer for
radiation from the RTP lamps at a reduced power level. A look-up table is
created relating unnormalized values of photodetector photocurrents with
wafer and radiant lamp temperatures. A calibrating step measures the
photocurrent with known wafer and lamp temperatures and all photocurrents
measured thereafter are accordingly normalized. The transmission
pyrometer may be used for closed loop control for thermal treatments
below 500.degree. C. or used in the pre-heating phase for a higher
temperature process including radiation pyrometry in closed loop control.
The pre-heating temperature ramp rate may be controlled by measuring the
initial ramp rate and readjusting the lamp power accordingly. Radiation
and transmission pyrometers may be included in an integrated structure
with a beam splitter dividing radiation from the wafer.