An emergency and non-emergency transmitter receivable by broadcast band
receivers in nearby vehicles, comprising a first signal generator for
simultaneously providing a plurality of selectively spaced carriers
having frequency spacings corresponding to the individual channels of the
band to be covered and selectively providing amplitude modulation when
used for the AM broadcast band, and a second signal generator providing
an FM modulated signal, which when combined with the signal from the
first signal generator, covers various portions of the FM broadcast band
to provide complete coverage thereof. A plurality of signals are
generated in a portion of a selected band and modulated, according to the
selected band mode, with a pre-stored and selectable voice alarm message.
An EAS/RDS decoder monitors for emergency transmissions and deactivates
the dual-mode transmitter if an EAS/RDS transmission is detected so that
radios within the coverage area of the dual-mode transmitter will receive
the EAS/RDS transmission.