A system and method of active neuro-protection for detecting and arresting
injury to an individual is provided. The system includes a sensing means
for sensing the occurrence of a predetermined event within an environment
and for operatively transmitting an event indicating signal. The system
also includes a controller operatively in communication with the sensing
means including a processor for processing the event indicating signal to
determine if a predetermined condition is met for releasing a
neuro-protective agent. The system further includes a dispensing means
for releasing the neuro-protective drug, and the dispensing means is
operatively in communication with the controller, and releases the
neuro-protective drug if the controller transmits a drug releasing signal
to the dispensing means if the predetermined condition is met. A method
includes the steps of monitoring for a predetermined condition that would
induce a traumatic injury to an individual within an environment using
the sensing means, determining if the predetermined traumatic injury
inducing condition is detected by the controller, and dispensing a
neuro-protective drug.