An anti-counterfeit method and system by using a nano metal grating,
wherein an object to be recognized is formed with the nano metal grating.
During the recognition process, an incidental light is applied on the
metal grating. In response to the incidental light, the metal grating has
its specific optical incidence and reflection characteristics. The object
is then identified whether it is genuine or fake by observing the
refraction light passing through and reflection light reflected from the
metal grating. Further, the incident light beam can be polarized to
generate polarized light beams and then irradiated on the metal grating,
whereafter the recognition of the object is performed by observing the
reflection and refraction lights of the irradiated polarized light beam.
The recognition further can be accomplished by rotating the metal
grating, thus the intensity of the refraction and reflection lights will
accordingly be changed, thereby identifying the object.