A planar optical isolator is formed within the silicon surface layer of an SOI structure. A forward-directed signal is applied to an input waveguiding section of the isolator and thereafter propagates through a non-reciprocal waveguide coupling region into an output waveguide section. A rearward-directed signal enters via the output waveguide section and is thereafter coupled into the non-reciprocal waveguide structure, where the geometry of the structure functions to couple only a small amount of the reflected signal into the input waveguide section. In one embodiment, the non-reciprocal structure comprises an N-way directional coupler (with one output waveguide, one input waveguide and N-1 isolating waveguides). In another embodiment, the non-reciprocal structure comprises a waveguide expansion region including a tapered, mode-matching portion coupled to the output waveguide and an enlarged, non-mode matching portion coupled to the input waveguide such that a majority of a reflected signal will be mismatched with respect to the input waveguide section. By cascading a number of such planar SOI-based structures, increased isolation can be achieved--advantageously within a monolithic arrangement.

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~ 00289