A boat mooring device comprises two PVC pipes pivotally joined at a common
midpoint to be selectively positionable from a coextensive linear
configuration to an X-shaped configuration. Each pipe has a segment of
nylon line extending therethrough and secured therein. The device
includes a first pair of line anchoring structures adapted for
spaced-apart attachment to a docking structure, and a second pair of line
anchoring structures adapted for spaced-apart attachment to a watercraft.
In use, the pipes are arranged in an X-shaped configuration and the ends
of the nylon lines are attached to the anchoring structures on the dock
and watercraft. Each pair of line anchoring structures are spaced apart
at a distance approximately equal to half the length of the pipes. In
this arrangement, the pipes form an angle of approximately 60.degree.
with respect to one another, which provides the optimal configuration for
maintaining the moored boat in position.