The present invention enables a user of a portable electronic
communications device such as a cell phone to view information on a
larger remote reflective cholesteric display. The portable communications
device may connect with the remote display by wire or wirelessly. The
remote display is separate from the portable communications device but
can interact with it. The remote display receives and/or receives and
sends information relative to the portable communications device. This
information can include e-mail text and graphics. The remote display,
being a bistable cholesteric liquid crystal display, possesses low power
requirements unmatched by other display technologies. Moreover, the
remote display can serve a dual purpose of displaying images and
collecting solar power whereby a photovoltaic material behind the display
generates electrical energy from light incident on the cholesteric liquid
crystal material, which may be used not only to power the remote display
but also the portable communications device. This may result in a
completely self-powered remote display and associated portable
communications device. The solar cell itself can be a component of the
display. A display having only a single substrate may employ the solar
cell as the substrate. A dispersion layer comprised of cholesteric liquid
crystal material dispersed in a polymer matrix, may be disposed over the
substrate. Another aspect of the invention features a drapable remote
bistable cholesteric display.