An electro-cauterizing cannula assembly for use in a power-assisted
liposuction instrument having a hand-holdable housing and a mechanism for
reciprocating the cannula assembly. The electro-cauterizing cannula
assembly includes an inner and an outer cannula, each having a distal and
proximal end and at least one aspiration aperture about the distal end.
The inner cannula is disposed within the outer cannula and the inner and
outer aspiration apertures are in at least partial registration to form
an effective aspiration aperture. During aspiration of tissue,
high-voltage RF power signals are supplied to the inner and outer
cannulas to effect hemostasis about the reciprocating aspiration
aperture. Such hemostasis is achieved by causing protein molecules within
aspirated tissue to coagulate in response to the high-voltage RF signals
being supplied across the reciprocating cannulas. The cannula assembly is
releasably detachable from the hand-holdable housing to facilitate
cleaning and sterilization of the same.