A Peristaltic micropump includes a first membrane region with a first
piezo-actor for actuating the first membrane region, a second membrane
region with a second piezo-actor for actuating a second membrane region,
and a third membrane region with a third piezo-actor for actuating the
third membrane region. A pump body forms, together with the first
membrane region, a first valve whose passage opening is open in the
non-actuated state of the first membrane region and whose passage opening
may be closed by actuating the first membrane region. The pump body
forms, together with the second membrane region, a pumping chamber whose
volume may be decreased by actuating the second membrane region. The pump
body forms, together with the third membrane region, a second valve whose
passage opening is open in the non-actuated state of the third membrane
region and whose passage opening may be closed by actuating the third
membrane region. The first and the second valve are fluidically connected
to the pumping chamber.