A rectifier generates a rectified output and a dc power output. The
rectifier has an antenna element, a tuning capacitor, a coupling
capacitor, first and second rectifying diodes, and a storage capacitor.
The antenna element and the tuning capacitor are coupled in parallel and
grounded at one terminal. The first rectifying diode is grounded at its
anode terminal and the storage capacitor is grounded at one terminal. The
coupling capacitor is coupled between the ungrounded terminal of the
antenna element and the cathode terminal of the first rectifying diode.
The anode terminal of the second rectifying diode is coupled to the
cathode terminal of the first rectifying diode. The cathode terminal of
the second rectifying diode is coupled to the ungrounded terminal of the
storage capacitor. The rectified output is generated between the
rectifying diodes. The dc power output is generated between the second
rectifying diode and the storage capacitor.