Photonic integrated circuits (PICs), also referred to as opto-electronic
integrated circuits (OEICs), and more particularly to a PIC in the form
of an optical receiver PIC or RxPIC chip and an optical transmitter PIC
(TxPIC) are employed in an optical transport network. Integrated on the
RxPIC chip, starting at the input end which is coupled to receive
multiplexed optical data signals from an optical transport network is an
optical amplifier, an optical demultiplexer, and a plurality of on-chip
photodiodes (PDs) each to receive a demultiplexed data signal from the
AWG DEMUX for optical-to-electrical signal conversion. The optical input
amplifier may be an on-chip gain clamped semiconductor optical amplifier
(GC-SOA) or an off-chip fiber amplifier. The optical input amplifier may
be optional if the channel signal demultiplexer provides for minimal
insertion loss which is optimum with a properly designed arrayed
waveguide grating (AWG) demultiplexer.