A device for cleaving an optical fibre includes a fixing mechanism to fix
a fixing element to the optical fibre, and a cleaving mechanism to cleave
the optical fibre. The fixing element may be a ferrule, and the fixing
element may be fixed to the fibre such that the fibre extends through the
fixing element. The cleaving mechanism cleaves the fibre preferably when
the fixing element has been fixed to the fibre. The cleaving device may
be a hand-held, and hand-operated, tool. The device may enable the
possibility of automatic preset positioning and/or orienting of the
cleaved fibre end face (which may be angled to the axis of the fibre)
with respect to the fixing element. Attachments may be provided for
holding the fibre and fixing element during the cleaving operation and
for holding a connector body while the fixing element with the cleaved
fibre is inserted into the connector.