A process of management of printing devices at distributed sites, comprising providing a database portal accessible continuously, the portal giving a visual display of performance of the printing devices compared with predetermined targets for key performance indicators. A process of preparing for and implementing management of printing devices located at distributed sites carried out by a contractor for a client, comprising: the step of the contractor negotiating with the client key performance indicators applicable for the duration of a management service contract and including targets for the key performance indicators, and rewards and penalties for performance of the printing devices against those targets, and the step of the contractor periodically monitoring the key performance indicators to provide the client with an indication of performance against the targets. A process of management of printing devices at geographically distributed sites within a client organisation, carried out exclusively by a contractor under a management contract, comprising allocating a contract manager in the contractor organisation and dedicating that contract manager to the task of managing all the client's printing devices over a plurality of the distributed sites, whereby the contract manager regularly monitors the status and usage of the printing devices and associated software and services and consumables supplies, regularly seeks to optimise their overall performance against predetermined key performance indicators including cost, implements changes over the period of the management contract to optimise performance, and regularly provides reports to the client organisation.

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< Information processing apparatus capable of customizing device driver, information processing method, and control program

< System and method for distribution of network printer software

> Printing control apparatus and method thereof

> Apparatus and methods for distributing print jobs

~ 00293