Novel methods for synthesizing wholly un-supported, high-flow catalytic
membranes consisting of 100% crystalline ZSM-22 crystals with no binder
phase, having sufficient porosity to allow high Weight Hourly Space
Velocities of feedstock to pass through without generating back pressure.
The ZSM-22 membranes perform favorably to existing bulk ZSM-22 catalysts
(e.g., via 1-butene conversion and selectivity). The method of membrane
synthesis, based on Vapor Phase Transport, allows free-standing,
binder-less membranes to be fabricated in varied geometries and sizes so
that membranes can be tailor-made for particular geometries applications.
The ZSM-22 precursor gel may be consolidated into a semi-cohesive body
prior to vapor phase crystallization, for example, by uniaxial pressing.
These crystalline membranes may be modified by ion exchange, pore ion
exchange, framework exchange, synthesis modification techniques to
incorporate other elements into the framework, such as K, H, Mg, Zn, V,
Ga, and Pt.