A water spray deflector to deflect water spray produced from aircraft landing gear from components of the aircraft. The water spray deflector has an inner diameter and an outer diameter. Coupled to the spray deflector are attachment arms that are adapted to couple with an outer portion of a rim of the landing gear. The attachment arms are also configured to support the water spray deflector position the water spray deflector a distance from a side wall of the tire to prevent the side wall of the tire from coming in contact with the water spray deflector under various loading conditions placed on the tire. In some versions, the water spray deflector is weakened in areas to encourage a failure mode of the water spray deflector.

Web www.patentalert.com

< Lateral thrust control

< Tall V/STOL aircraft

> Lowerable luggage compartment with a rear force supporting device

> Integrated window belt system for aircraft cabins

~ 00293