A system and method for electronic archival of paper-based technical
drawings includes a system having a processor, a form learning unit in
signal communication with the processor for learning the form of a model
drawing image, a form localization unit in signal communication with the
processor for localizing the form of an input drawing image, an optical
character recognition unit in signal communication with the processor for
optically recognizing identification text of the input drawing image, and
a result verification unit in signal communication with the processor for
verifying the results of the recognized identification text of the input
drawing image; and further includes a method for providing a model
drawing image, learning the form of the provided model drawing image,
receiving an input drawing image, localizing the form of the input
drawing image, optically recognizing identification text of the input
drawing image, verifying the results of the recognized identification
text of the input drawing image, and storing the input drawing image and
the corresponding verified identification text into a drawing database.