The design and operation of a p-i-n device, operating in a sequential
resonant tunneling condition for use as a photodetector and an optically
pumped emitter, is disclosed. The device contains III-nitride
multiple-quantum-well (MQW) layers grown between a III-nitride p-n
junction. Transparent ohmic contacts are made on both p and n sides. The
device operates under a certain electrical bias that makes the energy
level of the first excitation state in each well layer correspond with
the energy level of the ground state in the adjoining well layer. The
device works as a high-efficiency and high-speed photodetector with
photo-generated carriers transported through the active MQW region by
sequential resonant tunneling. In a sequential resonant tunneling
condition, the device also works as an optically pumped infrared emitter
that emits infrared photons with energy equal to the energy difference
between the first excitation state and the ground state in the MQWs.