My invention attaches to trucks with snowplows. When the truck owner takes the snowplow off of the vehicle, my brush guard clips on to the truck side push plates remaining on the truck after the snowplow has been removed. To use the snowplow again, pull the pins on the brush guard slide it off and drive up to the snowplow and reattach snowplow without any tools required.This process consists of two easy steps. Slide the brush guard onto the snowplow push plates until the holes line up. Twist and pull the spring loaded pins to (1) engage pins. To remove brush guard pull and twist pins 1/4 turn until retaining key holds (10) pins open and slide brush guard off.


< Power transmission system and operation method therefor

< Heel rest for a motorcycle

> Rotating and/or swiveling seat

> Torque transmission device and method of reducing effects of torque pulsations

~ 00295