Analyzes surface electrocardiographic and intracardiac signals to identify and separate electrical activity corresponding to distinct but superimposed events in the heart. Assesses the spatial phase, temporal phase, rate, spectrum and reproducibility of each event to determine uniformity of activation in all spatial dimensions. Uses numerical indices derived from these analyses to diagnose arrhythmias. Uses these indices to determine the location of an arrhythmia circuit, and to direct the movement of an electrode catheter to this location for ablation or permanent catheter positioning. Subsequently, uses these indices to determine whether ablation has successfully eliminated the circuit. Uses variability in these indices from the surface electrocardiogram to indicate subtle beat-to-beat fluctuations which reflect the tendency towards atrial and ventricular arrhythmias.


< Stent coating

< Connective tissue growth factor-2

> Glaucoma therapeutics and diagnostics

> Human cDNAs and proteins and uses thereof

~ 00295