The present invention provides a projection screen capable of sharply
displaying an image by minimizing the influence of the loss of light that
occurs on a polarized-light selective reflection layer and of providing
high image visibility. A projection screen includes: a polarized-light
selective reflection layer that selectively reflects a specific
polarized-light component; and a substrate that supports the
polarized-light selective reflection layer. The polarized-light selective
reflection layer includes a plurality of partial selective reflection
layers that are laminated to one another, and the partial selective
reflection layers have cholesteric liquid crystalline structures, owing
to which they selectively reflect a specific polarized-light component.
The cholesteric liquid crystalline structure of each partial selective
reflection layer comprises a plurality of helical structure parts that
are different in direction of helical axis, and, owing to structural
non-uniformity in the cholesteric liquid crystalline structure, diffuses
light (imaging light) that is selectively reflected. The partial
selective reflection layer (11a) is for selectively reflecting light in
the green (G) color wave range, the partial selective reflection layer
(11b) is for selectively reflecting light in the blue (B) color wave
range, and the partial selective reflection layer (11c) is for
selectively reflecting light in the red (R) color wave range. These
partial selective reflection layers (11a, 11b and 11c) are successively
laminated in this order from the substrate side.