A surround-vision display system with a very high visual dynamic range is
made possible by distributing a limited number of LED's on the inside of
a drum and then spinning that drum around a user. The pixel information
for each horizontal position in space is sent to each corresponding LED
it visits that position. The LED's are arranged in a grid on a panel
tile, and the panel tile is tilted slightly, e.g., at 1.1-degrees. The
result is each panel tile presents a continuous vertical stripe in the
picture frame as all its LED's are swept by in the drum motion. Several
panel tiles stacked vertically inside the drum all contribute to the
whole height of the picture frame, e.g., several feet. The entire inside
circumference of the drum is populated with the LED panel tiles to keep
frame refresh rates up to avoid flicker while keeping drum rotation
speeds down to reasonable levels. Thus even though the LED's and drum are
moving, the image projected appears to be relatively stationary.