A color conversion module 42 carries out color conversion of original
color image data G.sub.rgb from the RGB color system into the CMYK color
system to obtain color-converted original color image data G.sub.cmyk
(step S104). A DCT module 44 applies DCT (discrete cosine transform) over
the whole color-converted original color image data G.sub.cmyk to
generate DCT coefficients D.sub.cmyk (step S106). An embedding module 46
embeds the watermark information s into the components C, M, Y, and K of
the DCT coefficients D.sub.cmyk (step S108). An IDCT module 48 applies
IDCT (inverse discrete cosine transform) onto DCT coefficients
D'.sub.cmyk with the watermark information s embedded therein to generate
embedding-processed color image data G'.sub.cmyk (step S110). The color
conversion module 42 carries out color conversion of the
embedding-processed color image data G'.sub.cmyk from the CMYK color
system into the RGB color system to obtain embedding-processed color
image data G'.sub.rgb (step S112). This arrangement does not require any
correction of the position or the shape of image blocks in the process of
extracting the embedded watermark information.