My invention will involve stuffed teddy bears, dolls, animals and puppets
that will speak hip-hop slang, Ebonics, rapping words and phrases. The
bears will have a chip with a pre-recorded message on it that would be
activated by pressing a button on the animals. The animals will be
dressed in hip or urban clothes and you will also be able to buy more
clothes for a certain animal. The animals will say phrases such as Wats
up shawty? Or Bling bling. They may even rap there name. Ex. If you have
a bear name Eddie the Mac. He may rap something like Its yur boy
E-D-D-I-E- coming ready like Freddy chillin like penicillin cuz Im a mac.
The games will include a monopoly game where you would get through the
board by using hip-hop phrases and words. The match game would include a
game where the players will have to draw cards with hip-hop expressions
on them. On one side would be the proper English expression and the other
would be the hip-hop or Ebonic translation. You drew a card that said How
are you doing? The player would have to say the Ebonic translation of
this which would be Wats da bizness? Some animals will wear T-shirts with
entertainers and celebrities pictures on them and the shirts will have a
pre-recorded message from the celebrity talking, singing, or rapping. A
T-shirt with the entertainers picture and name that will have a message
from that celebrity. Their message will be heard upon pressing a button
that will sound through a speaker on the front of the T-shirt. The button
and speaker will be on the front of the T-shirt where the words are
located. A purse or jewelry case with a space for a picture for a person
and a pre-recordable and recordable device that says a message. This
method will be used for celebrities and individuals. Gold, or silver
grill in the mouth of bears. A pre-recordable device and recordable
device that will be placed on a rose to play a special song, snippet, and
say a special personal message.