Two different processing techniques are utilized to respectively form high
resolution features and low resolution features in a critical layer of an
electronic device, and in particular a large area electronic device. High
resolution features are formed by soft lithography, and low resolution
features are formed by jet-printing or using a jet-printed etch mask.
Jet-printing is also used to stitch misaligned structures. Alignment
marks are generated with the features to coordinate the various
processing steps and to automatically control the stitching process.
Thin-film transistors are formed by generating gate structures using a
first jet-printed etch mask, forming source/drain electrodes using soft
lithography, forming interconnect structures using a second jet-printed
etch mask, and then depositing semiconductor material over the
source/drain electrodes. Redundant structures are formed to further
improve tolerance to misalignment, with non-optimally positioned
structures removed (etched) during formation of the low resolution
interconnect structures.