A sleep prevention device while driving a vehicle including a housing
member having an interior compartment; and the interior compartment
includes a movable cord member with a distal end and a proximal end
having a first contact member on the cord member. The interior
compartment also includes two spaced-apart second contact members for
engagement by the first contact member. The sleep prevention device
further includes an earpiece assembly having an earpiece housing member
with an alarm member therein connected to a speaker member in the
earpiece housing. The distal end of the movable cord member is connected
to the earpiece assembly. The first contact member moves in either a
forward direction or a rearward direction as the driver's head moves as
the driver starts to doze or fall asleep such that the first contact
member moves and engages one of the second contact members in order to
activate the alarm member and produce an alarm sound in the driver's ear
from the speaker member of the alarm member for awakening the driver from
his/her dozing or sleeping state.