A method and apparatus for presenting and modifying data from a set of
tables in a database is provided. A view that is defined is based on a
set of one or more tables that may include relational tables or object
tables. The view defines a presentation of data from the one or more
tables as a set of objects that reside in the database. Data is read from
the one or more rows of the tables based on the view, and is presented as
a set of objects that reside in the database. An object id that is based
on data from the one or more rows is generated and associated with each
object presented. The view may specify which columns from the one or more
tables contain values used to generate the object ids. A trigger may
associated with the view. The set of objects presented may be presented
as objects having an attribute that is a column object. Column objects
include user specified object types, collection objects (e.g. nested
tables and variable arrays), or references to objects.