A method and system to rapidly, passively, range and track maneuvering
airborne emitters (enemy targets and threats) for tactical fighters using
batch based recursive estimators for track initialization and track
maintenance that includes providing information processing that has angle
and signal amplitude data, threat database, and feedback from pilot cue
analysis. The system includes pilot cue analysis which computes airborne
emitter (target and threat) heading and corresponding accuracy to
determine if sufficient accuracy is available to present the pilot with
proper pilot cue options. The first stage is a range bank also called a
compound parallel hypothesis evaluator and the second stage is an
interactive multi-model. Both stages provide for the output of the
algorithm to be a range measurement and an associated confidence factor.
The algorithm inputs azimuth angle elevation angle and range and is
capable of inputting data from three different data pre-processors (i.e.,
sensor data fusion).