A plurality of computer nodes communicates using seemingly random IP
source and destination addresses and (optionally) a seemingly random
discriminator field. Data packets matching criteria defined by a moving
window of valid addresses are accepted for further processing, while
those that do not meet the criteria are rejected. In addition to
"hopping" of IP addresses and discriminator fields, hardware addresses
such as Media Access Control addresses can be hopped. The hopped
addresses are generated by random number generators having non-repeating
sequence lengths that are easily determined a-priori, which can quickly
jump ahead in sequence by an arbitrary number of random steps and which
have the property that future random numbers are difficult to guess
without knowing the random number generator's parameters. Synchronization
techniques can be used to re-establish synchronization between sending
and receiving nodes. These techniques include a self-synchronization
technique in which a sync field is transmitted as part of each packet,
and a "checkpoint" scheme by which transmitting and receiving nodes can
advance to a known point in their hopping schemes. A fast-packet reject
technique based on the use of presence vectors is also described. A
distributed transmission path embodiment incorporates randomly selected
physical transmission paths.