A universal lightweight, easily carried memory identification card records
information and controls access to this information. The memory card
includes a file system of electronic files on the card, which are
automatically detected and recognized by selected authorized readers. The
file system is organized so that stored electronic files appear in
separate and distinct encrypted compartments in the card, so that only
authorized pre-selected readers have access to particular compartments.
Biometric identifying information is imprinted in the card, so that no
data can be transferred unless there is a biometric match between a
reader and a person assigned to the card and who possesses the card. The
separate compartments of the memory card may include a compartment
containing medical, administrative or financial information relating to
the assigned user of the card, wherein the information is accessed only
by a pre-selected memory card reader having the unique pin code assigned
to the compartment having the medical information. The memory
identification card can also have a single chip Global Positioning System
(GPS) to identify where the card is being used.