A method and system for multi-level power management in an optical network
is provided. They include three levels of power management. The first
level of power management dynamically changes equipment settings in each
module of equipment so that required module setpoint values in each
module are achieved. The second level of power management determines
module setpoint values for each module of equipment within each node in
the optical link so that required node setpoint values are achieved. The
third level of power management determines node setpoint values at each
node in the optical link so that the optical link meets predetermined
power specifications. If any of the three levels cannot achieve the
required setpoint values, an error signal is generated by that level of
power management and sent to the level of power management above it, thus
initiating a higher level of power management. As a result, a dynamic and
automatic adjustment to changing operating conditions and configurations
in the network is provided, which allows to maintain relatively stable
network powers. Each level of power management is implemented such that
sections of the network can operate independent of each other, thus
increasing the survivability of the network.