A method for identifying reasoning modes and assessing the relative
preference of a reasoning mode of a test subject ("investigator"). More
specifically, dichotomous pairs of terms are developed wherein each pair
contains one term predominantly associated with a linear reasoning mode,
and another term predominantly associated with a complexity reasoning
mode. The pairs of terms are presented to the investigator for selection
by the investigator as to which of the two terms of each term pair best
describes, in the judgment of the investigator, the investigator's
reasoning behavior. New terms may be tested for psychometric strength
against the empirical record of a plurality of previously employed terms.
Words and images may be compared to a library of terms to form new terms
whose suitability as terms associated with a distinct reasoning mode is
then evaluated. The identification of reasoning modes may include a
method for assessing the association of a mental capacity with a
reasoning mode. Problems may be abstracted and compared with a library of
models to determine which reasoning mode is most appropriate for use in
addressing each problem. Certain words describing dichotomous qualities
and aspects of linear reasoning and complexity reasoning modes are