Reports are automatically created that allow a financial entity to review
and track potential monetary claims resulting from securities class
action lawsuits for securities purchased or acquired by the financial
entity. To create the reports, a first database of transaction activity
for the financial entity is accessed. The transaction activity includes
an identification of each security purchased or acquired, and the date of
each purchase or acquisition. A second database of securities class
action lawsuits is accessed. The second database includes for each
lawsuit an identification of all securities associated with the class
action lawsuit, and the class period of the lawsuit. The transaction
activity of the financial entity is automatically compared with the
securities class action lawsuits in the second database, and any
securities purchased or acquired by the financial entity during the class
period that are associated with an entered securities class action
lawsuit are identified. The identified securities may provide a potential
monetary claim for the financial entity. A report is then automatically
created of at least the lawsuits that may provide a potential monetary
claim for the financial entity based on the transaction activity of the
financial entity. The report also includes estimated market loss and
eligible loss information, as well as any actions recommended to be taken
by the financial entity regarding the lawsuits.