An endovascular prosthesis comprising a first end section, a second end
section and a midsection. The midsection has a diameter less than the
diameter of the first end section and the second end section. At least
the first end section and the second end section have lateral support
preferably in the form of a stent which may also act as anchoring. The
reduced diameter midsection is provided with at least one side port which
is adapted to be connected to a branch endograft to provide a connection
between the side port and the native branch artery. The side ports are
arranged to correspond with the native branch arteries and are provided
with radiographic markers at their proximal and distal ends. The side
ports with the radiographic markers provide an effective means of making
the connection to the native branch by a branch endograft without having
to align the side ports exactly to the branch arteries and without
kinking of the side ports.