A manually maneuverable, quick release ride along miniature bicycle doll
carrier, for holding a doll wearing a helmet therein, is mounted on a
child's bicycle frame. The bicycle doll carrier functions as an important
safety teaching element for the child playing with the doll, the doll's
helmet and the doll seat carrier. A front mounting clamp is rigidly
attached to the bicycle seat carrier post to or receive one of the quick
release elements. The doll carrier is retained to the bicycle by front
and rear support rod assemblies, which compose the quick release
elements. For attachment by the child, the carrier with the pre-attached
front support rods and rear support rod assembly is carried to the
bicycle by the child. The quick release ends of the rear rod assembly are
twisted to engage the bicycle frame members. Then the front support rods
are guided to engage ends within angled holes in a front mounting clamp
located upon the steering post of the bicycle. The carrier is the rigidly
attached to the child's bicycle.