A configurable memory system is disclosed, which includes a processor-to-memory network, a memory-to-processor network, and a plurality of memory modules. Both networks in turns include a plurality of transport cells that can be configured to implement various transport networks, one for a particular memory application. To implement different memory applications in the same configurable memory system, a system designer takes several steps. The system designer identifies memory applications to be implemented in the configurable memory system. For each memory application, the designer allocates a set of memory modules and a transport network carrying data for the memory modules. Each transport network corresponding to a memory application thus establishes the data paths to and from the memory modules for that memory application. For each transport cell in the allocated networks, the designer develops a configuration table indicating the transport networks, one being associated with a memory application using that transport cell. The designer then creates reservation and/or conflict tables describing the timing relationships between the memory applications. Based on the reservation and/or conflict tables, scheduling execution of the memory applications can be performed.

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> Methods and systems for pre-merge read of configuration data from a foreign volume group inserted in storage array

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