The present invention provides a high sensitivity atomic magnetometer and
methods of measuring low intensity magnetic fields that relate to the use
of an alkali metal vapor and a buffer gas; increasing the magnetic
polarization of the alkali metal vapor thereby increasing the sensitivity
of the alkali metal vapor to a low intensity magnetic field; probing the
magnetic polarization of the alkali metal vapor, the probing means
providing an output from the alkali metal vapor, the output including
characteristics related to the low intensity magnetic field; and
measuring means that receives the output, determines the characteristics
of the low intensity magnetic field, and provides a representation of the
low intensity magnetic field. In addition, the invention relates to a
magnetometer and methods that provide a representation of a first
magnetic field originating within a sample volume. The sample volume may
be part or all of a subject, such as a human subject. The representation
includes a representation of a source of a magnetic field occurring
within the sample volume displayed in one, two, or three of three
orthogonal Cartesian coordinates, referenced to the sample volume.